Solomon Water has successfully completed a comprehensive training program in gender equality and gender-based violence for staff delivered by national NGO, the Family Support Center. Gender-based violence is any act or threat of violence that is committed against someone because of their sex.
The training was part of Solomon Water’s obligation to the Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project to ensure Solomon Water staff attend gender training to enhance staff awareness of gender, gender equality, gender-based violence, and related topics while facilitating changes in attitudes and behaviors.
The comprehensive and enriching training covered areas in:
- Gender equality - difference between sex and gender, gender norms, power relations.
- Violence in relationships and violence against women -statistics of gender based violence in the Solomon Islands and the Pacific, definition of domestic violence, types/forms and examples of violence, harassment in the workplace, violence root causes, violence risk factors and impacts of violence.
- The cycle of violence: myths and attitudes that support violence against women and girls, the cycle of violence – break the cycle or the silence.
- Human rights, national and international laws relation to violence: Family Protection Act (2014), Penal Code amended sexual offences Act 2016, the Solomon Islands Constitution 1978, and ratified UN conventions including CEDAW and CRC.
Head of Corporate Services Michelle Maelaua said “We wanted staff to be trained in social issues affecting individuals and workforces not only because of our obligations to our project, but also so that staff would be able to contribute to efforts to prevent violence and harassment in the workplace and in their homes and communities”.
"We are grateful for our partnership with the Family Support Center to deliver this training for our staff. FSC's professional delivery and the comprehensive content of the training program have been invaluable”.
“Gender inequality and gender-based violence can impact any person, in any situation,” said Manager of Family Support Center, Lorio Sisiolo. “That is why it is so critical for the Family Support Centre to offer specialist trainings in these two areas so that we can continue to increase the public awareness and advocacy to eliminate and prevent gender based violence and violence against women in the country. We were excited to partner with Solomon Water to train their staff across their different departments and thank their management and staff in making this training possible".
Over 100 staff participated in the gender equality and gender-based violence training over September and October this year.
Solomon Water is committed to building a workforce that embraces the values of respect and of gender equality, and this training is a significant step towards achieving that goal.
We’re with you in improving value, improving services and improving for the future - all aimed at delivering our vision of “Safe water for a healthy nation”.
Media contact:
Ruth Ramoifuila, Communications and Corporate Support Coordinator
Phone: 44662 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PDF download: Media Release - Solomon Water staff complete gender equality and gender-based violence training