Solomon Water, dedicated to delivering safe and reliable water supply and sewerage services, provides a comprehensive update on the ongoing Sewer Works – Fisheries to Ranadi Roundabout project. This initiative is a pivotal step in enhancing sanitation services, fostering improved wastewater management, and expanding sewerage coverage for Solomon Water customers and the larger Honiara community.

The current phase of the project, overseen by Project Manager Brian Fatai, involves the construction of new sewer pipes and manholes. This involves sheet piling, trenching, pipe laying, and the installation of concrete manhole structures. The project is part of Solomon Water's overall Sewer Eastern networks to construct a new sewerage network from Kukum to the Ranadi industrial area.

However, the project has encountered challenges, particularly in sheet piling and excavation progress, influenced by variable ground conditions. While some sections facilitated good progress, others with harder ground and substantial coronus material impeded productivity. The ongoing challenges with sheet piling and hard ground have resulted in contractor unable to achieve target productivities on pile driving and excavation works, thereby impacting progress of pipe laying works.

Additionally, heavy rainfall at the project site earlier this year resulted in flooding, overwhelming dewatering efforts and halting productive work. To address these challenges, the contractor has mobilized additional resources onsite to have two crews working simultaneously at different fronts to progress the works.

Solomon Water has also actively engaged with the relevant government ministry to secure approval for a second section of road closure, aiming to minimize disruptions to traffic flows.

Project Manager Brian Fatai stressed the importance of overcoming these challenges, stating, "The team is dedicated to overcoming obstacles to ensure the project is completed on time, delivering effective sewerage services to the community. We are optimistic that our discussions with Government counterparts will lead to positive outcomes for both the project and the larger Honiara community."

Solomon Water's target for sewerage services in Honiara is to increase sewerage coverage to thirty percent of residential properties by 2047. Solomon Water CEO Carmine Piantedosi emphasizes the significance of the Sewer Works project in achieving improved sanitation services. “With the support of the Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project (UWSSSP), the initiative will expand the wastewater network, enhance sanitation, and connect new sewer customers. A key aspect of this project is the construction of a new sewerage network in the Ranadi industrial area and we are making great strides towards our long-term objectives”, CEO Piantedosi said.

The Sewer Works – Fisheries to Ranadi Roundabout project, funded by the Solomon Islands Government, is a key part of the Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project (UWSSSP). Solomon Water remains committed to transparency and will continue to update the public on the project's progress.


Media contact:

Ruth Ramoifuila, Communications and Corporate Support Coordinator

Phone: 44662 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Heavy rainfall at the project site earlier this year resulted in flooding, overwhelming dewatering efforts and halting productive work for the Sewer Works – Fisheries to Ranadi Roundabout project.
Solomon Water contractors progressing sewerage pipe laying works at the project site along the main road near the Ranadi roundabout.

Concrete pours have begun for the new 3-million litre reservoir at Titinge with the first one third of the steel reinforced concrete base slab now poured of the reservoir by the Solomon Water contractors. This is an important milestone of progress for the Honiara Water Reservoirs Storage Project, a key part of Solomon Water’s Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project (UWSSSP).

Solomon Water Project Manager Adam Winter says construction activities will be underway over the next 12 months. "Finishing the first pour of concrete shows the hard work and dedication of our contractors and of our Project Management Unit team. As concrete pouring continues for the project, access to these sites by concrete trucks will be very constrained and the work sites will be challenging for the contractors. We call on the public, especially motorists and pedestrians to take care when moving past these works sites when construction activities are underway over the next 12 months," says Mr Winter.

When completed, the new Titinge tank will support Solomon Water’s growing water distribution network and customer base. It will also assist to alleviate water disruptions during heavy rain seasons. Solomon Water CEO Carmine Piantedosi says “The project addresses the challenge of heavy rainfall affecting the Kongulai source pump station. This will help keep water flowing to homes even when the pump station needs to be shut down temporarily during times of heavy rainfall. This new large capacity reservoir will also support the water demands of the growing population with new houses being constructed in the area”.

“Solomon Water is committed to constructing a reliable water supply system for Honiara. This addition to our water supply system is an important step in that direction, we're committed to delivering our goal of ‘Safe Water for a Healthy Nation’."

The Honiara Water Reservoirs Storage Project is funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank (WB) and European Union (EU). The project also includes construction and commissioning of another two new concrete water reservoirs of around the same size within Honiara. 

Media contact:

Ruth Ramoifuila, Communications and Corporate Support Coordinator

Phone: 44662 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Photo caption: On site at the new 3-million litre reservoir at Titinge. Solomon Water contractors overseeing the first concrete slab pour which was completed on Sunday 25 February 2024.
Photo caption: On site at the new 3-million litre reservoir at Titinge. Solomon Water contractors overseeing the first concrete slab pour which was completed on Sunday 25 February 2024.
Photo caption: On site at the new 3-million litre reservoir at Titinge. Solomon Water contractors overseeing the first concrete slab pour which was completed on Sunday 25 February 2024.

 Solomon Water has successful completed the first of the SOE’s provincial stakeholder forum’s in Noro, Western Province on Friday 16 February 2024. Led by CEO Carmine Piantedosi, the forum was attended by over twenty representatives from Noro-based customers, businesses and schools.

The forums are organized to engage with stakeholders and provide insights into Solomon Water's business goals, challenges, and commitment to serve the communities it operates in.

During the stakeholder forums, CEO Carmine Piantedosi addressed various crucial topics to enhance transparency and foster collaboration. The discussions covered:

  1. Legislative Framework: An overview of the legislative framework that guides Solomon Water's operations and services.
  2. Solomon Water Vision, Mission, and Values (with IMPACT): A presentation on the organization's vision, mission, and values, aligning them with current Solomon Islands Government policies and Sustainable Development Goals.
  3. Customer Centric Organization: Emphasis on Solomon Water's dedication to becoming a more customer-centric organization, with a focus on improving service delivery and addressing customer needs.
  4. SIWA Capital Works and Major Projects: Updates on ongoing and upcoming capital works and major projects undertaken by Solomon Water to enhance water infrastructure, improve service reliability, and meet the growing demands of the communities served.
  5. Challenges Solomon Water is facing: An open dialogue about the challenges faced by Solomon Water, acknowledging the importance of feedback from stakeholders to enhance the SOE’s effectiveness.
  6. How the Organization is Facing Challenges: CEO Piantedosi shared strategies and initiatives undertaken by Solomon Water to address challenges, ensuring continuous improvement and commitment to delivering quality water services.

Head Teacher of Noro Primary School, Vernon Apusae said “I enjoyed the Forum. Customers and stakeholders received good information especially in terms of how and why we pay for water. Our bill will be less expensive, if we control our own water use. The CEO presented a good illustration about this and I am sharing this information with my teachers at the school.”

Noro Town Clerk, Gavin Totu said “This stakeholders’ forum is a first of its kind for us in Noro. We received firsthand information about SIWA’s strategic plan and projects. We also were made aware about the issues and challenges Solomon Water is facing. This forum made all of these issues clear for our awareness and we appreciate the presentations and discussions shared with the Solomon Water CEO.” 

The CEO expressed gratitude for the engagement received during the forums, stating, "The session proved very informative. The forum received some very positive feedback from the stakeholders about SIWA and also some valuable questions and suggestions."

The CEO also commended the Solomon Water Noro team, "The stakeholders were very forward about commending the work that our team does in Noro, which was great to hear. Thank you, Noro team, for everything you do for our customers."

This is the first in a series of provincial stakeholders forums the Solomon Water CEO will be conducting in the provinces this year.

The Solomon Water Stakeholders Forum was held at the Marina Hotel Conference Room in Noro. Chief Operations Officer Scravin Tongi and Communications Officer Sophia Tango were also part of the Solomon Water team attending the Forum.

Media contact:

Ruth Ramoifuila, Communications and Corporate Support Coordinator

Phone: 44662 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Solomon Water CEO Carmine Piantedosi presenting at the Noro Stakeholder Forum on Friday 16 February 2024 at the Marina Hotel Conference Room. The Forum was well attended by representatives from Noro-based businesses and schools.

“Improving value, Improving services and Improving for the future”

Solomon Water has announced new tariffs effective 1 January 2024 approved by the Solomon Islands Government through the Minister for Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification (MMERE). The new tariff represents an increase of 81 cents per kilolitre (tonne) of water for the lowest domestic tariff band. The tariffs have been reviewed in consideration of the following drivers:

  • Increasing cost of delivery of water and wastewater services such as rising electricity, maintenance, and infrastructure development expenses.
  • Continuous improvements Solomon Water will be undertaking to provide safe and reliable water services in our areas of operations.
  • Loan repayments to the Government for donor-funded water infrastructure projects.

Solomon Water Board Chairman Donald Marahare states “The increase is necessary to ensure the SOE is able to meet rising operating costs and make required investments to ensure that every household and business in its operating areas has access to safe and reliable water”.

We’re with you in improving value, improving services and improving for the future - all aimed at delivering our vision of “Safe water for a healthy nation”.

Media contact:

Ruth Ramoifuila, Communications and Corporate Support Coordinator

Phone: 44662 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


NOTE: The full cost schedule of the new tariffs, service charges and other fees is here: 2024 Water and Wastewater Tariff, Service Charge and Other Fees


Solomon Water wishes to inform customers that it has extended the suspension of water supply from Kongulai and Kombito sources due to elevated turbidity levels caused by Tropical Cyclone Jasper's heavy rains. Supply from both water sources were closed on Tuesday this week.

Turbidity, a measure of water cloudiness, results from silt, mud, algae, or other particles in surface water sources.

Solomon Water CEO Carmine Piantedosi says “Solomon Water prioritises the health and safety of our customers and turbidity levels at the source are at very unsafe levels right now. This precautionary measure to turn off supply is essential to avoid providing water unsafe for consumption or use. The disinfection process is ineffective in high turbidity, posing health risks and potential pipe blockages for customers”.

Solomon Water also apologises for the inconvenience and advises customers that supply restoration depends on improving weather conditions.

“We acknowledge the hardship we are all facing during this shutdown. Supply resumption at Kongulai and Kombito hinges on improved weather conditions during this cyclone season,” CEO Carmine says.

Solomon Water is closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates on supply restoration to customers.

Media contact:

Ruth Ramoifuila, Communications and Corporate Support Coordinator

Phone: 44662 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
